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How to Get Blackheads Out of Your Ears? – Find Your Answer

How to Get Blackheads Out of Your Ears

Blackheads are black bumps that can occur on any part of the body, including ears. They may develop as a result of dead skin cells, clogged skin pores, or bacterial infections. They tend to make the surrounding skin sensitive and might, therefore, cause unnecessary discomfort. So, do you know how to get blackheads out of your ears? There are several techniques that you can use and below is an overview of some of the most effective methods.

How to Get Blackheads Out of Your Ears

Blackheads mostly appear on the outer ear. It should be noted that the outer ear section has several functions. It provides the body with balance, protects the highly sensitive part of the ear, and helps to capture sound.

It’s an essential part of the body that needs to be protected and kept clean. The following are effective methods that can be used to clear blackheads from the ears.


It’s the most effective method and the process usually involves a professional dermatologist. However, you can still do it on your own. It removes stubborn blackheads that refuse to completely clear out. To use extraction, you will:

  • First, soften the blackhead by pressing a warm washcloth on the affected area
  • Use a sterilized extractor to press out the blackhead by placing it on the edge of the affected area.
  • Once the blackhead has popped out, use the extractor to sweep across it.
  • The process is repeated for multiple blackheads, with the extractor being sterilized after every extraction.

Note: the extractor can’t be placed directly on the blackhead. It might cause the skin to easily tear since it’s already sensitive.

Use Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a general skincare product. However, it is still effective in cleaning blackheads in the ears. This has been proved and even recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology. According to the academy, salicylic acid is effective in cleaning clogged pores.

So, how exactly can it be used to remove blackheads on ears? Well, there are numerous over-the-counter masks or cleansers that contain salicylic acid. They are perfect for eliminating these black bumps.

The effectiveness of salicylic acid is based on the fact that it’s a type of beta-hydroxy acid. This acid is an excellent exfoliator that can remove dirt and oil from the skin pores. Generally, the effectiveness of salicylic acid in clearing blackheads usually takes weeks to produce noticeable results. So, users are sometimes advised to just incorporate it into their daily skincare regimen.

Note: while salicylic acid is effective, you need to exercise caution when using it. For starters, it contains aspirin hence it’s not suitable for use by those who are allergic to aspirin. Besides that, the product shouldn’t reach the sensitive ear canal. It might cause damage.

Wash and Clean Your Ears

This is a simple yet effective method that anyone with blackheads on their ears can apply. Washing helps to remove dirt and excess oil that clog the skin pores and facilitate the development of black bumps.

Washing can be done daily, especially when you are showering. You can use your bathing gel/soap or a skin cleanser to clear out the blackheads. Always use a soft washcloth or just your fingers to clean your ears. Do not over-scrub the earlobes or get picky with your fingers. You will increase the sensitivity of the already weak skin or even lead to bacterial infections.

Exfoliate the Affected Area

This is another great technique that can be used to get blackheads out of your ears. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells that tend to pile with time. While washing your skin is good, it doesn’t effectively do the job of removing the accumulated layer of dead skin cells.

A gentle exfoliator can remove blackheads and leave the skin looking healthier. Do exfoliation on the affected skin area when showering weekly. When you are applying the exfoliating product, use your fingers, and make sure that you rub it gently.

Use Topical Retinoids

Topical retinoids can help to eliminate stubborn blackheads by unplugging the skin pores. Retinoids contain the derivative vitamin A that helps to banish the blackheads. It should be noted that prescription retinoids usually encourage excellent skin cell turnover. In addition to that, they help to exfoliate the skin and clear out the clogged pores.

Use Charcoal Masks

Charcoal masks normally work deep within the skin. Applying a mask helps to remove dead skin cells, draw out the oil that clogs the skin pores, and eliminates other impurities. What makes charcoal masks stand out is that they enhance the removal of blackheads. They make them loose and, therefore, their removal becomes easier.

Products Used to Remove Blackheads on Ears

Knowing how to get blackheads out of your ears is to completely eliminate these stubborn bumps. But knowing the type of products you can use is also beneficial in ensuring that the black bumps don’t reappear.


Incorporating acids in your skincare routine can be effective in completely clearing out blackheads. They keep the skin pores clean and also prevent the accumulation of oils. Beta-Hydroxy acid such as salicylic acid and alpha-hydroxy acids such as lactic acids are the most suitable. Use them frequently and you will see dramatic results within a few weeks.


These are products that are rich in vitamin C and E. by preventing the process of oxidation, antioxidants can help to minimize the appearance of blackheads.

Generally, antioxidants help to encourage the production of collagen and also lighten discoloration. Besides that, they also prevent the production of free radicals that damage the skin. Vitamin C and E effectively remove blackheads and prevent their formation.

When to See a Professional Dermatologist

The above-mentioned methods on how to get blackheads out of your ears are highly effective. However, they might not work for everyone. This may be because the blackheads are widespread or reoccur and so at this point, it’s only right to see a dermatologist.

Dermatologists use several professional tools to remove these black bumps. They provide safer options and ensure that the sensitive parts of the ears are not damaged. Sometimes, they may simply prescribe you medications meant for acne treatment. Apart from retinoids, a dermatologist may also apply a series of dermabrasion treatments to prevent blackheads from recurring.

How to Prevent Blackheads from Recurring

To prevent blackheads from occurring in the future, here are some of the tips that you can implement:

Avoid Squeezing Existing Blackheads

This is a mistake that a lot of us often make. Squeezing your blackheads can lead to infections and make it difficult to clear them. This is because your hands could be dirty and opening the skin pores with dirty hands only worsens the problem.

Avoid Using Pore Strips

Pore strips are great in removing dirt and dead cells from the skin. However, they can also remove other important elements that promote healthy skin development. This includes hair follicles and natural oils. In case they are removed, the skin ends up dry and irritated.

It should be noted the skin irritation can worsen the condition of already existing blackheads. This is because the sebaceous glands will be forced to produce more oil to cater to the existing deficit. Besides that, pore strips made of metal or plastic can leave the skin with bad scratches.

Make Sure that Products You Use are Noncomedogenic

Buying the correct exfoliator, cleanser, or mask is important for the removal of blackheads. However, they may not be highly effective if they are not non-comedogenic. Comedogenic products usually cause comedones i.e. they clog the skin pores and make the state of blackheads even worse.

Don’t Try to Use Benzoyl Peroxide

Sometimes products meant to treat acne may be used to treat blackheads. However, you should not waste your time trying to use OTC benzoyl peroxide. It’s ineffective. Benzoyl peroxide is designed to reduce swelling, that’s why it’s effective for treating inflammatory acne. It is effective in managing pimples with underlying bacterial infections.

But if you use it to remove blackheads from your ears, your attempts will be futile. Blackheads are not inflammatory since they are not triggered by bacterial infections. Using such a product is a waste of time and money.

Use a Toner to Protect the Pores

Once blackheads have been successfully removed, they normally lead open skin pores. If you are not careful, such a pore can be used as an entry point by bacteria that may spread, cause irritation, and lead to the formation of other blackheads. So, use a toner over the open skin pores to protect the surrounding skin and kill bacteria.

The Bottom Line

Blackheads can cause serious damage to your ears if they are not timely and effectively removed. They result in skin irritation and can potentially lead to bacterial infections that might affect the inner sensitive parts of your ears. The above-listed techniques are some of the best alternatives that you can use. Besides that, you can seek the assistance of a dermatologist. Always make sure that you keep your ear clean and dry after the removal of blackheads to prevent further infections.