Tips for Curing Acne And Have A Clear Skin

Effective Home Remedies For Acne Scars

Effective Home Remedies For Acne Scars

Apart from the physical discomfort, living with acne can be very traumatic and can have an immense negative impact on self esteem and confidence. The acne scars that result may cause these negative effects to continue for an extended period of time or even for life, hence it is very important to know more about Effective Home Remedies For Acne Scars.

Effective Home Remedies For Acne Scars

Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies for acne scars that are highly effective at treating, healing and reducing the appearance of different types of acne scars.

1. Home Remedies For Cystic Acne Scars

Cystic acne is the red and painful nodules that often occur deep under the skin which are often filled with pus and appear inflamed or swollen. Because these nodules occur so deep in the skin, they often result in the deep pitted scars that are life long. Home remedies for these type of scars include:

1.1 Aspirin

Aspirin is closely related to salicylic acid which is prescribed for the treatment of warts and corns. It has keratolytic action which means that it breaks down the bonds between skin cells allowing them to be shed far more easier. The process of shedding skin cells is important in reducing the appearance of deep, pitted acne scars.

1.2 Honey Face Mask

Honey is well known for it’s healing powers and has strong antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are all beneficial for reducing acne as well as assisting in healing to prevent scars.

Combined with lemon juice and baking soda, the mask is also excellent at exfoliating the skin, removing dead skin cells and rejuvenating the skin. Manuka honey is the best choice for it’s powerful healing properties.

1.3 Oatmeal Scrub

Harsh exfoliates can irritate acne and are not ideal for reducing scarring. Oatmeal is a gentle solution to getting all the benefits of scrubbing the face to reduce scarring without the negative effects. Combine raw oatmeal with honey for additional cleansing and healing effects. The scrub can be left on the face as a mask after exfoliating for the best results.

2. How To Remove Pimple Marks In One Day

Pimples have a way of appearing on days when there is a special occasion or event. There are however a number of effective solutions to reduce the appearance of a pimple in just one day.

Hydro-cortisone cream applied directly to the pimple will dry it out as well as reduce redness and inflammation (swelling) associated with pimples. However, these creams will also dry out the skin resulting in flakes and dry skin in the area. It is very important not to squeeze or pop the pimple but rather allow the cream to do the work.

2.1 Home Remedies To Remove Pimple Marks

Natural remedies to remove pimples quickly are effective and have fewer or even none of the side effects that are often associated with synthetic or man-made creams, lotions and potions. 3 of the most effective ways to reduce the appearance of pimple marks and resolve them quickly include:

  • Rub an ice cube in a circular motion directly on the pimple to reduce inflammation and redness. The cold will cause the blood vessels to contract thereby reducing the appearance of the pimple dramatically.
  • Toothpaste contains silica which will dry out the pimple and acts much in the same way as salicylic acid.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar’s acidic properties will effectively dry out pimples as well as reduce redness and swelling and dark marks associated wit pimples.

3. How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars

There are a number of different types of acne and each can result in a different type of scarring. Prevention is always better than cure and it is best to treat the type of acne before it can result in a scar. Different types of acne scars include:

  • Dark spots on the skin.
  • Rolling scars
  • Boxcar scars
  • Ice pick scars
  • Keloid or Hypertrophic scars which can be the most difficult to treat and heal.

The most important tip is to never squeeze the nodules or pimples and actually to avoid touching the area altogether. Antibacterial and antimicrobial substances are ideal at reducing acne as well as the resulting scarring. Treatments that have anti-inflammatory properties will reduce the swelling and redness in both acne and acne scars.

Medical treatments to remove acne scars include:

  • Microdermabrasion
  • Chemical Peels
  • Laser Skin Resurfacing
  • Derma Fillers
  • Subcision and Punch Excision
  • Skin Rolling or Needling
  • Steroid Injections
  • TCA Cross (TriChloroacetic Acid Chemical Reconstruction of Skin Scars)

These treatments are however considered to be invasive, have side effects and may have a healing or recovery time.

3.1 Home Remedies To Remove Acne Scars

Their are a variety of home remedies that naturally and effectively minimize acne scarring on a permanent basis.

– Essential oils Potent Scar Serum consists of 6 ingredients in a concentrated form, all of which are known for their healing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and other properties to reduce scarring.

– Witch Hazel Peel with Apple Cider Vinegar to remove dead skin cells and Aloe Vera to calm, soothe and heal the skin.

– Lemon juice will whiten dark marks and spots and combined with baking soda makes an effective exfoliator. The addition of coconut oil will moisturize the skin and promote healing.

4. How To Get Rid Of Old Acne Scars

It is always more difficult to reduce the appearance or treat older acne scars in an attempt to make them disappear entirely. People often resort to painful and invasive medical procedures such as those mentioned above to treat old acne scars. However, home remedies for acne scars to reduce acne scarring over time can be much more effective.

The most effective techniques to promote healing of old acne scars include:

  • Exfoliation removes dead skin cells allowing the skin to regenerate new, healthy cells much faster. Exfoliating on a regular basis can help reduce old acne scarring.
  • Home skin peels, chemical scrubs or microdermabrasion solutions are effective as they remove the top layer of skin or dermis. This causes the body to react as if the area had been injured and send collagen and other healing substances to the area which will reduce scar tissue.
  • Silicone gels and sheets applied to the scarred area will reduce scarring over time. Silicone reduces collagen production and increases fibroblasts which results in scars becoming less pronounced or flatter. This is a great solution for keloid or hypertrophic scarring.

It is necessary to emphasize that reducing the appearance of old acne scarring will take time. However, an ongoing treatment plan should involve:

  • Daily cleansing to sanitize the skin.
  • Exfoliating on a regular basis, at least once a week.
  • Using a healing and moisturizing face mask.
  • Keep the skin well moisturized.
  • Use sun protection or sun block.

Antioxidants may also promote healing in old acne scars. Lemon, honey, Aloe Vera, onion extract and tea tree oil will also promote healing of old scar tissue.

5. How To Get Rid Of Deep Acne Scars

Just like old acne scars, deep scarring can be problematic to get rid of. Punch excision is the most common medical treatment for very deep ice pick or boxcar scars. The procedure involves removing the old scar tissue and then placing a “plug” of new skin into the depression to raise it to the same height as the rest of the skin.

Subcision can also effectively treat deep or depressed acne scars. The process involves cutting the fibrous scar tissue strands, allowing the edges of the scar to relax and therefore the depressed scar to even or flatten out. This is ideal for deep scars with raised edges.

Natural remedies include:

  • Aloe Vera which has powerful healing properties and is known to reduce the appearance of scar tissue.
  • Onion extract has been proven to reduce inflammation, redness and appearance of scarring.
  • Essential oils are beneficial for reducing the appearance of scars over time.
  • Lemon juice contains alpha hydroxy which assists the body in generating new and healthy skin cells.

It is very important to note that deep scarring is not going to disappear overnight with home remedies or natural therapies. It is a slow and lengthy process that needs to followed daily in order to show results over time.

In fact, the process may be so slow that only a small difference may be noticeable after a few weeks or months after starting a treatment. It is therefore important to be consistent and persist with home remedies for acne scars.

6. How To Get Rid of Pimple Dark Marks

Dark red, brown or even black discoloration can often remain on the skin long after an acne condition has resolved permanently. These are due to changes in pigmentation and although they can become lighter over time, they normally require treatment in order to disappear entirely.

Hydroquinone is commonly prescribed to lighten dark acne marks. The substance works by reducing melanin production which is the chemical responsible for darkening the skin. Laser resurfacing as well as skin peels are also effective at reducing dark marks associated with acne scarring.

Natural treatments such as lemon juice and Apple Cider Vinegar both having a bleaching effect on the skin and will lighten dark marks. Lemon juice is also packed full of Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant and is essential in reducing cell damage plus it targets dark pigmentation rather than just bleaching or lightening the skin.

7. How To Get Rid Of Deep Acne Scars Overnight

As mentioned above, getting rid of deep acne scars is not a quick process. However, there are ways to reduce the appearance of these deep, pitted scars overnight although the effects may not be long lasting or permanent. However, using this process on a regular basis can minimize deep acne scarring in the long run.

Step 1 – Cleanse your face with a solution of Apple Cider Vinegar to unclog and tighten pores as well as remove excess dead skin cells.

Step 2 – Gently exfoliate the skin with an oatmeal and honey scrub. Leave the mixture on your face for 10 to 15 minutes to allow the healing and antioxidant properties of the honey to work. Gently remove the scrub/mask with a tissue and rinse with cool water. Gently pat the skin dry with a soft, clean cloth or towel – do not rub or wipe the skin.

Step 3 – Apply fresh Aloe Vera to the skin. Cut a leaf from an Aloe plant lengthwise down the center and squeeze out the yellowish gel into a clean and disinfected bowl. It is also a good idea to ensure that your hands are clean and disinfected. Place the gel on your face, like a mask, and leave in place for about 30 minutes before rinsing with cool water. Pat the skin dry.

Step 4 – Moisturize the skin with coconut oil which contains omega fatty acids to deeply moisturize the skin. Apply liberally to the skin and get a good night’s rest. Remember that the body and skin needs its beauty sleep in order to heal, repair, restore and rejuvenate.

Step 5 – Cleanse the skin well when you wake-up in the morning and apply a good moisturizer as well as a factor 50+ (or greater) sunblock.

Keep in mind that dry skin can exacerbate the appearance of scar tissue and prevent optimal healing. So keep your skin well moisturized at all times. It is however recommended to avoid beauty products that contain harmful or hazardous ingredients. While these products may show quick, initial results, they will do more damage than good for scars as well as the skin.

Home remedies for acne scars are often far more beneficial in the long run than store bought products or medical treatments. Although medical treatments can be effective, they can also be painful, result in extended healing or recovery times and can have negative or unwanted side effects.

Natural, home remedies to prevent, reduce and even eliminate acne scars are far safer and will have permanent results if they are applied regularly, consistently and given the time to provide the best results.